December 2024 PolioStop

The 2024 National World Polio Day Celebration in Port Harcourt, hosted by Rotary International District 9141 Nigeria, was a vibrant and inspiring three-day event that brought together Rotarians, Rotaractors, and friends of Rotary to reaffirm their commitment to a polio-free world. The event showcased a seamless blend of advocacy, awareness, and fundraising activities, highlighting the […]
At Rotary International and especially through the Nigeria National PolioPlus Committee (NNPPC) we have maintained our role as a founding and pivotal partner in the global fight against polio ever since the launch of Rotary’s PolioPlus program in 1985 and the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) at the World Health Assembly (WHA) […]

The recent visit of Rotary International President, Gordon Mclnally, to Nigeria has marked a significant milestone in the battle to assist polio eradication in Nigeria. Rotary International has long been recognized as a driving force behind the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), leading with unwavering commitment and strategic vision. Ours has been a multifaceted role […]

We must fight misinformation to achieve our goals in 2024. It has been said that the idle mind is the devil’s workshop. What then is an idle mind with a mobile communications device and cheap internet data? The answer to this question can be found in the repeated setbacks being suffered by our programme due to misinformation being passed around social […]
In Memoriam: Jonathan Babatunde Majiyagbe The question of what constitutes a good death is one that has been asked for a thousand years and one which continues to be asked today. In trying to answer that question, the Bard of Avon himself once wrote ‘When beggars die, there are no comets seen; the heavens themselves […]
A LEGACY WORTH LEAVING It’s always sad when people die but often we find that the pain of loss is made easier to bear when they have left a good legacy behind. In the course of the effort to eradicate polio from the world, we have had to say goodbye to many of our friends […]
PolioStop For December 2022

This is the season when people take stock and account for what went on in the calendar year. You already know that in Rotary, we do not celebrate the New Year in the manner of others because our year runs from July to June. Still, as members of a global community, we are not […]
September 2022 PolioStop

It is no longer news that in the last year, we have recorded new cases of the wild poliovirus in Africa. This is asides from the escalation of outbreaks of the circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus in many African countries. The 7 cases seen so far between the end of last year and the present moment in […]
PolioStop For June 2022
On April 19 2022, Kunle Adeyanju, a Rotarian and incoming club President of the Rotary Club of Ikoyi Metro left London to begin a journey which would take him into France, Spain, Gibraltar and into Africa, he probably had an idea of the enormity of the task that lay before […]
PolioStop For March 2022
We received the news of Dr Pascal’s retirement from WHO with mixed feelings. We are happy for him for the grace of being able to take early retirement having gone 9 years of his 22 years with WHO working assiduosly to ensure polio is eradicated in Nigeria. But we will misss his immense knowledge, […]