In Memoriam: Jonathan Babatunde Majiyagbe

The question of what constitutes a good death is one that has been asked for a thousand years and one which continues to be asked today. In trying to answer that question, the Bard of Avon himself once wrote ‘When beggars die, there are no comets seen; the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.’ It may be deduced from him that the death of one who has attained nobility should be considered higher than the death of mere men. To William Shakespeare, the heavens themselves rise to acknowledge the passing of great men. That, for him represented a good death.
On 27 May 2023, the heavens rose as one to acknowledge one of the greatest Rotarians of his generation, our beloved and highly revered Past President of Rotary International Jonathan B. Majiyagbe from mortality to immortality… Read more